Our mission at Carmichael's Honey LLC goes much further than just honey. Each bottle of honey carries a message of life into someone's home or place of business (Proverbs 24:13-14) and is a representation of us and what we stand for: integrity, honesty, good service, and quality. As a company we are active in our local community and believe that helping others and doing the right things are not options but commands from a Heavenly Father. Our goal is to provide our customers with a healthy product and to honor God in our business and outside of our business in our personal lives. Thanks for reading our mission!



16oz Conventional Honey

32oz Conventional Honey

16oz Texas Honey

16oz Organic Honey

12oz Organic Honey

32oz Organic Honey

40oz Organic Honey

12oz Louisiana Honey

16oz Louisiana Honey

32oz Louisiana Honey

40oz Louisiana Honey