In the fall of 2020, Carmichael’s Honey debuted an organic honey line. It has been an exciting privilege to offer our consumers another honey option. One of the most frequent questions that we are asked is: “What’s the difference between organic and local honey?” Part of what makes organic honey different from local honey is where it comes from. Louisiana honey is the original honey that brought Carmichael’s Honey to the market. It is sourced from knowledgeable keepers in the beautiful state of Louisiana. Our Texas honey became our second product and we are proud to source this honey from the great state of Texas! Our organic honey is sourced from the lush and green forests of Brazil!
The process of certifying and approving honey as organic begins with our friendly pollinators: the honey bees! Organic honey is a honey that has been made by bees that have pollinated and extracted pollen and nectar from flowers that have not been touched by pesticides. In places like Brazil, (where green forests spread out as far as the eyes can see), beekeepers are able to place their hives in large green areas allowing the bees to produce honey that is untouched by pesticides. The bees can fly far from the hive and not come into contact with any flower or vegetable garden that has been sprayed with chemicals.
Another question we’re often asked is: “How do you know that organic honey is truly organic?” Only after the honey has been sourced from Brazil and tested for quality and veracity can we claim with certainty that our organic honey is exactly what we claim it to be: raw, fresh, organic, and sourced directly from the jungles of Brazil! When the honey arrives at our plant in the great state of Louisiana, our organic honey processing ensures that only organic grade cleaning products and procedures are used in the processing of organic honey. When you buy organic honey from Carmichael’s Honey, you can be assured that you’re getting the highest quality organic honey available.